Monday, August 8, 2011

In Print ... Virtually

Traveler, writer, jewelry designer.... 
This is how I've described myself on this blog. 

By some magic way beyond my comprehension, you will be transported instantly 
to something which combines all three ----  my writing, my beading and a time in Africa. 

All you need to do is click
Ready, set, go!!

Photo by Alex Glenday


A deeply wonderful story about you and your beads, about healing, and being conscious of what it takes to heal. Thank you so much for sharing.  As more and more opportunities arise in our lives for handling loss and remembering those we have loved, to have a ground like that one, a tactile connection to so many histories of beauty, is so important.   Always, always my favorite prayer has been the Navajo one:  “May you walk in beauty.”  M.B.

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